Ex Slougtherhouse Rome | Testaccio

Pavillions | 10, 14, 15A, 15B, 15C, 16
CATEGORY Civil & Industrial Buildings
SERVICES PROVIDED Detailed design – seismic assessment and retrofit
LOCATION | Rome, Italy
PROJECT DURATION | 2009 – 2011
PROJECT VALUE | € 17.270.657,87

The former slaughterhouse in Rome, commonly known as Mattatoio di Testaccio, was a pavillion complex located on the flank of Monte dei Cocci used for slaughtering before distributing the meat throughout the city of Rome. 

 Located in the estaccio district on Via Benjamin Franklin, where the entrance is still located, the 25 000 m² Lungotevere Testaccio buildings were used for controlling and weighting the cattle. On the opposite side of Boulevard Campo Boario, via Aldo Manuzio, the meat was then traded.  

 The slaughterhouse was decommissioned in 1975, when Rome had already reached three million inhabitants, to be replaced by a new structure on Viale Palmiro Togliatti. Since then, the complex considered as a fundamental piece of Roman industrial archeology, has undergone several renovations and has hosted temporary events. New functions are also permanently established in the old pavilions. 

 The Municipality of Rome, who owns the complex, donated some of the pavilions to the University of Rome 3 (Faculty of Architecture). 

 Hopper Engineering and Consultancy worked as a subcontractor for the seismic assessment and detail design of measures in order to adapt the structure to its new intended use (University). 

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