Industrial Facility Via Pradella

CATEGORY Civil & Industrial Buildings
SERVICES PROVIDED Design of foundations
LOCATION | Albino (BG), Italy
PROJECT DURATION | December 2020 – February 2021
PROJECT VALUE | € 2.600.000,00

The project is part of the integrated desing of a future production site for SUN-MAC Srl located in via Pradella in Albino (Italy).
The building structure is a standard Italian reinforced concrete precast frame. It is composed by beams, double tee floors and columns that support the precast concrete panels forming the building envelope.
Hopper Engineering and Consultancy is responsible for executive design of the foundations. Cast in-situ socket foundations are designed in order to accommodate the precast columns and guarantee a connection between the super-structure and the sub-structure. The foundation is therefore composed by cast in-situ reinforced concrete plinths with sockets which are connected among themselves by means of beams in order to provide a seismic grid to the structure. The design is conducted according to the Italian design code (NTC2018).
 The building construction started in February 2021.